Facebook is one of the top websites on the internet.
According to Alexa.com, Facebook is the #2 website in the world.
As of last year, it actually had over 1 Billion users worldwide!
That’s a billion people who are using the internet and could be potential team members if you’re willing to reach out to them.
To find people looking for what you have, you need to hang out where they hang out.
Facebook is the easiest way to get leads for free in my opinion,
but it does takes some work and being consistent just like anything else.
If you’re not using this strategy, and you’re complaining that you can’t get leads because you have no money….all that is, is an excuse.
To me, that means you aren’t serious about building this business.
Put the excuses behind you. Don’t let your past affect your future.
The main thing for me to tell you is this: don’t sell the opportunity, sell the blog.
Some people will be looking to work from home, so that’s cool if you want to sign them up.
But there is a bigger market for people who need a blog.
What business person doesn’t see the potential in finding clients online?
If they get in and start using the blog, Dave and Dave will do the selling and a lot of them will become affiliates once they see the power in 100% commissions
If you’re not earning 100% of the money you make,
you’re getting cheated. You’re making someone else rich.
I remember a time about 8 months ago, when I was first hearing about 100% commissions.
I kept having this guy on Facebook ask me everyday, “So, are you earning 100%?”
Lol. It cracks me up, I actually got a little annoyed after awhile.
But then I started thinking about what I was doing.
I was in an MLM company that paid you $30 for every $300 sale you got.
I was promoting affiliate programs that paid me tops 30% for every sale.
I was working my ASS off trying to make money.
I was signing people up, but then that measly check came in…
…and it just didn’t cut it for me.
I was skeptical about the Empower Network though.
I bought Dave Wood’s Perpetual Funnel System for $500 before Empower Network even started.
I got to get inside the mind of Dave Wood, and he taught me how to get other people to promote your stuff for you.
Start a system, pay people part of the money from the sales they get…
…and all of a sudden your system is everywhere because all these affiliate marketers are promoting it.
“Viral sustainability” he called it. It was a new concept to me…but I knew that’s how he had build such a name for himself in the industry.
When I first heard about Empower Network, I said, “That’s Dave Wood’s brand.”
“He’s not gonna trick me into promoting all his stuff for him.”
Since I was seeing EN everywhere….I started hopping on EN webinars, trying to steal Dave’s secrets…trying to understand what the hell empower network really was.
As I continued to go to the webinars, and started seeing all the people in the company who were having success…I started to wonder what Dave’s intentions really were.
As I got around him, and started really listening to what he was saying…
I realized how stupid I was being. That I was promoting stuff making someone else rich, the same was I was when I was cooking at a restaurant.
That he really cared about people. That this company is truly about Empowering people.
It wasn’t about making Dave Wood money, he already had all the money he ever needed.
It was about putting the power back into the hands of the people.
It was about lifting people up….and helping them make the income that they always dreamed of.
I realized so many people in this industry were preaching the dream, and living the nightmare.
I realized it takes a ridiculous amount of production to make $5000/month with any other company in this industry….
….and that so many people here in Empower network are making over $30,000/month with 1/100th of the production.
It doesn’t take a team of 10,000 people to make $30K/month here…
Just get all in, get 2 sales a day of the $25 blog, do it for 90 days, and you’ll be making at least $30,000 a month or more. If you do those things are aren’t making $30K/month, Dave Wood will fly you down to his house for personal coaching.
That’s never actually happened. Because it’s a proven formula.
What I had been promoting the last 2 years…..was modern day slavery.
To “grind it out for 5 years, and you’ll get the golden watch at the end of the tunnel.”
Then 5 years down the road you stop and look around….
….still not making the money you wanted.
That I was teaching people they could live on the beaches of the world, but I wasn’t even able to do that myself.
I wasn’t making the money that I wanted, and it hurt really bad to know that neither was anyone else on my team.
I got to the point where I didn’t want to sponsor people because I didn’t truly believe what I had could help them live their dreams.
One day I decided to make a change.
I was sitting there on a Empower network webinar, with a buy now button staring back at me.
I didn’t want to push it, but I knew that I had no other choice.
I felt something deep down inside me that told me to take action.
That told me to put it all on the line….to not let my past determine my future.
To take action, to make a difference, and to make the money that I had always dreamed of.
To take care of my family, and help those in need.
To help my team get into something they actually believed in..
…that actually produced the results when you put in the work.
I decided that day to get in, take massive action, and stop settling for anything less than what I deserved.
That day, I got in Empower Network and my life changed.
My mindset changed.
My income changed.
If you’re ready to make the same decision I did, watch this video all the way through.
If you’re too anxious to watch the video, just buy this. It’s only $25.
Don’t be a wussy. Lock arms and fight the forces of evil with us.
Break free from the chains of modern day slavery.
Keep ALL the money when you make sales, on any product.
Look forward to having you on the team!
To Your Success,
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